

The Accelerators are

If you are new to the Accelerators and are considering joining us, please see our Club Information (tab at the top of this page) for details about the club and how to join.

Look at our Team Calendar to see where we will be practicing everyday.

Hope to see you soon!

Our Sponsor:

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Real time, day to day updates are posted to Facebook.  Below are the four most recent posts:

Accelerators Running Club

1 day 13 hours ago

The Accelerators’ schedule for this next week (Oct 14-20): Mon & Tue 5:00-6:15pm practice at the Windmill Wed “Taste of Cross” at Rosary HS. For $1, race a mile with jumping hay bales and a water pit. Lots of fun. You can get registration forms at practice, or online (www.acceleratorsrunning.com/entry-forms-and-paperwork/). I will go early with the forms and fees that are turn into me by Tuesday; parents can register their kids in person as well. Thu 5:00-6:15pm practice at the Windmill Fri no practice Saturday -- Elgin Sharks Cross Country Meet. I will need completed forms by Thursday. Let’s try

Accelerators Running Club

1 day 13 hours ago

What kind of day did the Accelerators have yesterday? Well 14 kids ran there first cross country race. 7 had their All-Time Personal Best and another beat the time that was run last year on the Herget course. Of the other 5 runners, three were close to there best running. In addition, we ran 3 scoring teams. You can find results on our web page (www.acceleratorsrunning.com/2024-race-results/).

Happy Coach Keith

Accelerators Running Club

2 days 9 hours ago

Thank you to all who volunteered today helping to put a good Cross Country Meet. It was great seeing some of the older runners helping out and being mentors.

My stats for the day was that my steps totaled 27km! My legs are beat for now...ready for practice on Monday.

Coach Keith

Accelerators Running Club

3 days 19 hours ago

For those racing at our meet tomorrow, our team color is red. So if you do not have an Accelerator uniform top, please wear red. Uniform shirts are available at practices (also available at the meet, see Coach Sarah.

Adjusting the roster in the previous post. Coach Keith

2022 End of Season Party

2018 End of Season Party

2017 End of Season Party

2016 End of Season Party

2016-01-02 Group02

2015 End of Season Party

2014 End of Season Party

2014 End of Season Party

Original Facebook feed:

Checkout our new Practice Schedule!

Please read this letter about Low Iron in Distance Runners.


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